
Who We Are:

The Southern Institute for Education and Research was non-profit tolerance education center based at Tulane University from 1993-2015. The Institute evolved out of the Louisiana Coalition against Racism and Nazism, the multi-racial, multi-religious group that led the opposition to neo-Nazi and former Klansman David Duke during his gubernatorial bid in 1991. The Institute was founded in 1993 by Dr. Lance Hill and Dr. Lawrence Powell who were assisted in locating at Tulane through the help of Saul Mintz, Fletcher Thorne-Thompson, and Eamon Kelly, president of Tulane University at the time.

Over a period of 22 years, the Institute provided training in teaching the history of the Holocaust and the African America Civil Rights movement to thousands of teachers in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.  Apart from Tolerance Education, the Institute offered a full range of inter-racial dialogues programs and intercultural communication workshops for colleges, community groups, and city agencies.

This site provides the teaching and training resources the Institute developed over the years. All the materials may be replicated for free by contacting the Southern Institute Archive at

Our Mission